Sunday 23 October 2016

Cats Dies

Wow, It's Sunday evening already, where did that weekend go?

Last weekend I was busy playing with some of the new dies that are coming out tomorrow on Create and Craft from Tattered Lace.

I particularly had fun with the cat. I love making cards that move, so when I first saw the cat, I instantly thought I had to make his head move. So I made a mechanism made up of three parts, held together by brads so they all moved when you pulled the tab on the side of the card, making the cats head move side to side.

 I also thought it would be fun to make a 'treat box' for a cat, and made a small box using the Tattered Lace hexagon box die. This time I made a ginger cat and put it on the lid of the box, which I filled with catnip treats and a ball.

Another idea that sprung to mind when I saw this die was that it would be great fun to make some cat earrings using shrink plastic.  I was really pleased with how the colouring came out on the earrings, as you can never be sure how much darker the colours are going to go once it has been shrunk.  I had used a very old black Stazon ink pad that was almost dry, so very little colour came out, and very light colours in alcohol inks for the eyes and nose.  I made a small box with the Tattered Lace A5 box die and cut a piece of funky foam to fit inside to hold the earrings in place.

I really had fun playing with these ideas and I'm quite pleased with the way they turned out.  Oh well, back to work again tomorrow morning, but I'll be playing again soon!

Monday 17 October 2016

Sneaky Peak

Mark and I came home last week from a lovely cruise, which took us into Gibraltar where we met up with my sister and her partner (and delivered some Christmas presents!). We were extremely lucky with the weather all the way from Southampton to Genoa, even the Bay of Biscay stayed calm for us!

But it is always nice to get home, especially when a package arrived the next day from Tattered Lace with a couple of new dies to play with.

I'm not able to give too much away at the moment (watch this space!) but I can show you a couple of photos of part of the samples I have made so far.

The lovely lady die used on this sample was from the latest magazine and I have found it really useful. 

I will show more pictures of the samples before the show which is due on Create and Craft next Tuesday, 25th October. 

Until then, happy crafting!